Mantovani and His Orchestra

Песни исполнителя Mantovani and His Orchestra - подборка из 100 треков.
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Треки исполнителя Mantovani and His Orchestra


Ronald Binge,Mantovani and His Orchestra

The Legend of the Glass Mountain ( from the film The Glass Mountain )

Mantovani and His Orchestra feat Rawicz and Landauer,Mantovani and His Orchestra,Rawicz And Landauer

Cornish Rhapsody (from the film Love Story )

Mantovani and His Orchestra feat Rawicz and Landauer,Mantovani and His Orchestra,Rawicz And Landauer

Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini ( from the film Story of Three Loves )

Mantovani and His Orchestra feat Rawicz and Landauer,Mantovani and His Orchestra,Rawicz And Landauer,Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов

Warsaw Concerto ( from the film Dangerous Moonlight )

Mantovani and His Orchestra feat Rawicz and Landauer,Mantovani and His Orchestra,Rawicz And Landauer

Serenata D'amore

Mantovani and His Orchestra feat Rawicz and Landauer,Mantovani and His Orchestra,Rawicz And Landauer


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